While the feeling of anxiety can feel consuming, there are ways to cope with the emotion. Try positive self talk, the act of saying phrases to yourself when you feel anxious or worried. The statements help to calm your mood and can be repeated multiple times until content again.
Try these phrases/prompts the next time you feel anxious:
- I know what my anxiety is trying to do, but I won't let it. I am in control.
- I feel anxious. I acknowledge it. I will be okay.
- Be positive; what's the best thing that could happen?
- Be present. What do I see, hear, taste, smell, and feel?
- Worrying is not solving any problem. What can I do instead?
- I'm confident. I am safe.
- Feelings come and go; this won't last forever.
- Life is a journey, not a destination.
- My anxiety is an uncomfortable feeling.
- This is today and we have a difference to make tomorrow.
- Focus on what I can control.